Services for publishers
Services which enhance academic communication, contribute to dissemination of scientific content and promote domestic publishing production ensure Open Access.
EKT has developed three services for publishers which focus on content and the subsequent dissemination of scientific knowledge. More specifically, publishers from the Social Sciences and Humanities have their own vehicle through which to showcase their content, the Social Sciences and Humanities Index. In addition, it allows publishers of scientific journals to use EKT’s integrated ePublishing services in the transferral of their content to an electronic platform, and include new books in the already well-known bibliographic database BIBLIONET.
e-Publishing service

This service is for publishers who wish to transfer their content to an electronic environment or publish a new electronic publication. It is an EKT initiative to enhance academic communication and the dissemination of scientific content.
Social Sciences and Humanities Index

The Social Sciences and Humanities Index collects, documents, maintains and provides access to reputable Greek scientific publications in the Social Sciences and Humanities.