An integrated cloud-based service for your catalogue and library functions A new integrated cloud service for the management of catalogues and library functions, using cutting-edge technology, developed following the Software as a Service (SaaS) model and available online through EKT’s cloud infrastructure. openABEKT is a cloud-based upgrade of ABEKT, the Integrated Library System developed by EKT in 1986 and currently serving more than 2,700 libraries and other organisations such as museums and archives. Who is it for? The service is mainly designed for libraries, museums, archives and educational institutions with complex needs for managing content, users, members and multiple workflows such as development of standard performance, management of digital and non-digital, membership management, loans, statistics, references etc. openABEKT platform openABEKT is an online platform for the management and open availability of catalogues and library functions. An integrated system generating autonomous web applications according to the needs of the user (eg url, logo, users, rights etc). With its extremely user-friendly environment, it can be easily used even by non-expert library personnel. The aim is to support the functioning of libraries by upgrading their services. The application consists of 3 environments: ‘Catalogue’ is an internal environment, accessible to verified users, where the library catalogues and manages content 'Discover’ is the public access environment where collections are open for discovery through browse and search functions 'Workflows and functions’ is an internal environment where holdings, patrons, circulation services, reports and statistics are managed openABEKT Union Catalogue All content that is aggregated and documented in each individual catalogue of a library is fed into the openABEKT Union Catalogue, where it is indexed and presented in real time through a single graphical user interface (GUI) of all institutions using openABEKT. It offers multi-criteria and faceted search functions for all the aggregated catalogues and allows the development of interlibrary loan services between users of openABEKT. Training and Support The user-friendly platform is linked to the eLearning, eHelpDesk, eKnowledgeBase services through which library personnel can remain updated. Online Training eLearning is an advanced service with a modular, user-friendly and dynamic learning environment that uses images, presentations, text and sound to help library personnel acquire the knowledge necessary for improving use of the openABEKT application. The service includes specialised web applications, advanced educational material and an array of teaching aids and texts with detailed instructions. Authenticated users of the service can access it from the link saas-elearning.ekt.gr 24/7 with no restriction whatsoever during the service term. Upon successful completion of eLearning, the library receives support from the openABEKT HelpDesk. eKnowledgeBase eKnowledgeBase is a rich source of knowledge with support information for users and their exploitation of openABEKT. Your personnel can access useful guidance for the work that they need to perform from user guides, FAQs, manuals, themed presentations, references and explanatory texts. eKnowledgeBase is constantly updated with information including: instruction manuals, good practices, FAQs, articles with tips on the best use of the service etc. Authenticated users of the service can access it from the link kb.saas.ekt.gr 24/7 with no restriction whatsoever during the service term. eHelpDesk The openABEKT eHelpDesk responds to any additional queries users may have, giving the necessary information, efficiently and quickly resolving issues. The service deals with: technical issues related to openABEKT function and use, advice and guidance on the application and its functionalities and notifications of updates and new functionalities. Authenticated users of the service can access it from the link helpdesk.saas.ekt.gr 9:00-17:00 during office hours. To be able to use eHelpdesk, it is vital that you or at least one member of the Library personnel has completed eLearning first. Response times are as set out in the package that you select when subscribing to openABEKT Service. Why use the service? openABEKT has a number of multi-level benefits for your library: • significant savings in all matters related to the implementation of time-consuming work in a library, and the functioning and maintenance of core software • standardised documentation, user-friendly management, modern presentation and open availability of content, showing not only its value and uniqueness, but also the investment which has been made • substantial financial savings as the operation of openABEKT does not require complex technological equipment or additional human resources for preservation and storage of library content • participation in the design and development of joint actions, such as interlibrary loans or development of shared catalogues and expansion of services to user communities • creation of autonomous applications for each institution and immediate availability of content from the central public access catalogue openABEKT.gr • inclusion in the catalogues of national, European and international networks such as aggregators, Open Datasets Infrastructure • personnel training through eLearning, eKnowledgeBase and eHelpDesk