An up-to-the-minute index of quality Greek scientific publications from the Social Sciences and Humanities The Social Sciences and Humanities Index collects, documents, maintains and provides access to reputable Greek scientific publications in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Content The Social Sciences and Humanities Index includes 87 scientific journals and 37,523 articles from the Social Sciences and Humanities and, as far as possible, allows open access to a large volume of full texts. The content is expected to be enriched in the future with books (collected volumes, monographs). The Greek Reference Index for the Social Sciences and Humanities offers multiple benefits for scientific publishers: • Hosting of content from selected quality publications • Documentation and management of selected articles and publications • Enrichment of metadata using international standards and disclosure terms • Creation of documentation models • Long-term preservation of printed and digital content • Provision of open bibliographic data for libraries and publishers Innovative services for the research community: • Enhanced search capabilities at article level • Implementation of combined results sharing filters and thematic navigation • Creation of publisher and author pages listing their publications which are included in the index • View of the full digital document where available