Our services A-Z

Argo is an open access environment with bibliographic information resources available in both Greece and abroad. It is mainly designed for librarians and users from scientific, research and educational communities facilitating the search and acquisition of bibliography in different subject fields.

Content Migration
Data Migration is a process whereby content is smoothly transferred from one system to another. EKT Migration is provided for organisations which have received repository or openABEKT services, and enables the smooth transfer of already documented content to the repository infrastructure or the openABEKT platform.

Creation and standardisation of vocabularies
Semantics.gr is a pilot platform for the establishment of Vocabularies and Semantic Interface Content. It supports the creation, establishment, linking and publishing of vocabularies and the meaningful interconnection of content by adding references to vocabulary terms.

e-Publishing service for publishers
This service is for publishers who wish to transfer their content to an electronic environment or publish a new electronic publication. It is an EKT initiative to enhance academic communication and the dissemination of scientific content.

The service is for publishers wishing to transfer their content to an electronic environment or create a new electronic publication. It is an EKT initiative for the enhancement of academic communication and the dissemination of scientific content.
Hosting systems
This is a hosting system at EKT’s Data Centre. The fundamental service of the Data Centre is the horizontal support of online applications which EKT develops and distributes such as digital repositories, electronic publications, registers and catalogues, statistics and indicators as well as ABEKT software and openABEKT.

Interlibrary loan service (EDETB)
The National Network of Scientific and Technological Libraries is a network of libraries that collaborate online so that copies of journals or journal articles in their collections can be made. The operation of GRNET is based on the Interlibrary System developed by EKT and on the utilisation of the online database of the National Union Catalogue of Scientific Journals of the Greek scientific and technological libraries.

The National Union Catalogue of Scientific Journals gives details of library holdings and bibliographic data on scientific journals, printed and electronic, available in the collections of Greek libraries.

A service designed to make the work of librarians easier. A new integrated cloud service for the management of catalogues and library functions, using cutting-edge technology, developed following the Software as a Service (SaaS) model and available online through EKT’s cloud infrastructure.

openABEKT union catalogue
All content aggregated and documented in each individual catalogue of a library is fed into openABEKT’s Union Catalogue, where it is indexed and presented in real time through a single Graphic user interface (GUI0 of all institutions using openABEKT.